Buy Florida Panthers Gladiator Cut Resistant Intermediate Hockey Socks Now
Florida Panthers Gladiator Cut Resistant Intermediate Hockey Socks If You search Gladiator then Florida Panthers Gladiator Cut Resistant Intermediate Hockey Socks is best choice, Buy it now for Price is 19.98 A polyester shell cases a liner made with Dyneema-the world's strongest fiber adding the final layer of protection against serious or even career-threatening injuries related to skate-blade cuts The Gladiator Sock is the first customizable cut-resistant hockey sock to provide safe coverage of the entire leg from ankle all the way up to where the leg meets the hip joint The solution is a knit sock with a loose-hanging liner to grab and drag skate-blades keeping them from direct contact with the leg The Gladiator's construction allows for double-layered resistance and the last layer is the strongest possible line of defense against skate-blade cuts The Dyneema liner found in the Gladiator Sock ensures a last line of defense against skate-blade cuts while providing a comf